ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: AERC Drug Policy

Re: AERC Drug Policy

Truman Prevatt (truman.prevatt@netsrq.com)
Sat, 06 Dec 1997 09:38:15 -0500

At 12:45 AM 12/6/97 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-12-06 00:02:47 EST, katswig@deltanet.com writes:
> IMO, substances/supplements that we deliberately feed to our horses for
> their pharmacological effect do not fall into this category. For me,
> Yucca would not fall into this category. I have not yet decided how I
> feel about GAGS. I am inclined to think that if they are administered in
> order to allow a horse that would otherwise be lame to compete...this
> would be on the borderline of drugging. If, on the otherhand, they are
> given in order to prevent horses from developing debilitating DJD, then
> they are a good thing that we should avail ourselves of. You will note
> that there is probably a good deal of overlap in these two
> purposes...which is why I have not yet decided how I feel about GAGS. I
> think, that it is up to each individual to decide what their purposes are
> in administering GAGS to their horse and up to each individual to decide
> if that purpose is in contravention of the "spirit" of the AERC "no drug"
> policy in that horses should compete entirely on their own ability,
> unenhanced by drugs. >>

Any substance that is not normally occuring in the body should be
prohibited from being used in competition. Also any substance while
naturally occurring but in abnormally high amounts should be prohibited
from being used in competition. A 3 sigma threshold over the "normal
range" for these substances would be reasonable number (about one chance in
1000 of a false detection).

If you want to give your horse yucca, MSM, etc. that is fine but withdraw
it for competition. If you don't feel that your horse can compete without
these "drugs" then maybe you should think about a new horse.


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