ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: What should treatment Vets be paid?

Re: What should treatment Vets be paid?

David Bennett (benamil@juno.com)
Sat, 6 Dec 1997 09:19:28 EST

For me, in the future, I will decide whether I think my horse needs the
services of a vet and act accordingly. I felt taken here because it
was out of line with what I have seen over the years from other vets at
other rides. I still paid the guy. The other person I observed was not
the owner of the horse - the owner was out on the trail. She did not
know to refuse the treatment. It was not something that was critical but
the rider was still directed to the treatment vet who had set up shop
next to the vet check area.

I agree that my horse is my responsibility and it is one that I take
seriously. I gladly pay professionals for their services but
I decide whether I want them or not. My opinion is that treatment at
rides ought to be for real
emergencies - not because the treatment vet wants to cover his loss of a
day at the clinic. In a metabolic situation the vet
ought to insist on treatment. Other things should be at the rider's
option - and as Kat said, are the rider's choice.
Most vets are there because they enjoy horses and want to be involved in
our sport. We are fortunate to have them and to
have their interest. They should not be expected to lose money for
supplies. But neither should they donate time to the
sport and expect to recover it from the riders. Perhaps ride management
should have made it clear that there was a separate
treatment vet who expected to be paid the going rate for his services...

As far as I can tell, most people who staff a ride do so because they
want to do it. A person should not expect to make a profit from
something done voluntarily.

Dave Bennett
Chickamauga, Georgia

email: benamil@juno.comOn Fri, 5 Dec 1997 20:10:18 -0600
aburson@webtv.net (Anita Burson) writes:
>For the life of me, I can't think of a single reason why a vet should
>donate his time treating your horse. If my horse needs care at a
>whether I've pushed that horse too hard or he impaled himself on a
>branch, or choked trying to eat that lovely wet grain too fast, that
>horse is my responsibility. And my responsibility is to pay the vet
>takes care of him. We're really lucky when ride management is able to
>provide enough vets to have one able to treat while the other(s)
>continue vetting the ride. I presume that we, as the owner, always
>the choice of whether or not to treat in any case. I would simply pay
>the bill and be grateful for the care.
>Anita Burson

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