ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: Gaited Horses

RE: Gaited Horses

Jude Hall (Hall@cc.denison.edu)
Mon, 01 Dec 1997 14:33:04 -0400 (EDT)

Kat - my TWH mare run-walks - a 4-beat gait...
the only time she paces is at lightening
speeds (after her top-end rack). I can't
run that fast in the trot out!

OTOH, my husband's racking horse does
trot during trot out (trots in the
pasture too, so it is not unnatural to

The vets do have a harder time with my
mare, but I've not had anyone think
she was lame.

Jude Hall
& Pride's Pure Angel & Kentucky Redbud

>Wouldn't this be the Pace in most cases? I looked at a Paso for
>a friend and her horse paced out and back. She was off. It was
>as obvious as a trot. Are there gaited horses that just don't
>have a 2 beat gait at all?
>Just curious...
>:) - kat myers
>in San Mateo (No.) Ca. with Magnum the TB ex-racer
>"How'bout a flat out run mom? That's *my* best gait!"

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