ridecamp@endurance.net: The Best

The Best

Kathy Myers (kathy@nvolve.com)
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 08:34:37 -0800

1) Carabiners! From REI or The North Face. Best use is to replace
those silly bull snaps on cotton leadropes. Get the locking one rated
to stop a mountain climber falling off of El Capitan after 150 feet...
like 7000 lb impact. Absolutely will not break. Easy to snap on
and off of halter.

Other uses: hanging buckets, attaching trailer chains (use the
big ones), use the fake small "keychain" ones to hang stuff on your

Some more of the best things I've bought or better yet, been given!...

2) Skito open cell pad. If I'm not using it, someone else is.

3) Biothane bridle / halter combo with snap bit attachments.

4) Easy ride stirrups.

5) Easy-Beat Polar heart rate monitor... when horse is layed up,
I can use it on me.

6) Leatherman's tool & Buck knife

:) - kat myers
in San Mateo (No.) Ca. with Magnum the TB ex-racer

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