I didn't mean to sound like I just attached a lunge line to my horse
and expected him to figure it out...or that I would need to do this
to tire him out before riding (he's not like that and neither am I).... I
guess I was trying to figure out where I was missing steps, since I
was getting appropriate responses only part of the time. Perhaps I
went too fast through the basics when I saw that he did have some idea
about what lunging involved... I am not an expert trainer and I am new
to CTR/endurance, but I'm not as clueless as I may have sounded (some
of it was that often misunderstood sarcastic humour of mine). Thanks
for the advice though, I really appreciate it and will definitely put it into
practice....a reminder of the valuable lesson: never assume anything and don't
rush the basics no matter what.
Thanks again,
Lysane and Buck