SO we Carol and I have aquired the services a a very nice well schooled..
(means someone above level 1) instructoi who has already helped Carol get in
balance with her new horse.. and is working with me and Omni..and my 15 yr
old mare..who has not been in competition for a few years.. Both have an
attitude.. wounder where they got that from??
Omni.. just needs to re-learn control.. and response.. and I need to learn
how to communicate that to him.. we have NOT meshed yet.. not a team
MY error I took him to competition too soon.. 3 yrs of dressage does not
make a trail horse.. so no more competition rides this year. Only pleasure
and light works.
AND fun rides with other plesure riders.. good-ole-boy rides. and LOTS of
ring work..
I THOUGHT i could skip that part.. part of DIMR and a old time rider who
thought he had a handle on it. HA! tried to rush things..
We get lessons here at our place once a week..very nice.
we are going to put up a 'ring' white tape on wood poles.. better then none.
back to basics.. only better this time
Roger R