There is no doubt that negative attitudes are sometimes reflected on this
list. Some subscribers tend to be negative more than others. However, my
impression of this list is quite the opposite -- I find it very positive.
Since I have not yet attended an endurance ride (four weeks to go!), my
impression of this sport and its participants is thus far based entirely
on my RideCamp experience -- and I LOVE it! I have found this group to be
overwhelmingly positive and supportive.
The bickering I have read online has usually struck me as somewhat
"familial" in nature and doesn't bother me (I'm not familiar with the
Cosequin situation, so that might be different). Yeah, there was some
Susan-bashing, and I did some myself (posting my bad experience with Trail
Blazer), and some of the ROC remarks were a little harsh ... but I have
always understood that a major advantage of these lists as a public forum
is the freedom to express yourself in a way that you might not otherwise.
Sometimes that means you get 'virtually' slapped -- but you just have to
take it, along with the junk mail -- those are both integral parts of
Cyber Life -- like it or leave it. And I think that the negative comments
made with respect to AERC fees are going to result in some very positive
changes in that organization, and possibly more membership involvement,
etc. These changes might not have occurred, because the complaints might
not have been registered or received, without the existence of this forum
and its openness to opinions, negative or positive.
What makes the RideCamp list unique, in my view, is that so many of the
topics we address here are nearly 100% opinion and personal experience (as
opposed to topics on some professional lists to which I subscribe). There
is very little that is cut-and-dried in the world of endurance. This
means that we have more "passionate" posts -- but I find that a good
thing, not a bad thing, even when the posts are passionately negative.
Just my $0.02 worth -- maybe I simply have a higher tolerance for
negative attitudes, due to my own life experiences, but I have not yet
read enough negativity on this list to dim my enthusiasm.
Glenda & Lakota