ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: conditioning and work and family etc

Re: conditioning and work and family etc

L Eisele (nevadaghostridr@webtv.net)
Thu, 15 May 1997 12:37:17 -0700

When I first got into endurance my children were smaller and they
were ALWAYS my first priority. So I did occasional 25's which was all
my spare time would allow for. The reason I don't have alot of miles
racked up over the last 9-10 years.
Now that both are teenagers and have their own things to do, I have
the time to train for more 50"s. I just got off work earlier this am
and had a few hours sleep. Then I'm off to run errands, and a good but
quick dinner then this evening a 7 mile ride before dark. I am lucky
enouhg to have places to ride from our house.
I do about 4-5 rides a year but if things with my family demand my
attention then I only compete in rides I'm ready for.
family comes first but also to be fair to the horse, compete only to
it's level of training...if you have time only for 25's, so be it. They
are great and you don't have the stress of taking on too much.

That is what is so neat about this sport..you can enter whatever
distance you want and ride at the speed you want.
You are an endurance rider whether you ride one 25 a year or do 500
miles a year.
Customize to your needs and time. Linda

Linda Eisele & Sareei and
hubby, Allen and the General nevadaghostridr@webtv.net

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