ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: hoof supplements

Re: hoof supplements

Tracy Stampke (zebella@idt.net)
Thu, 01 May 1997 10:25:51 -0700

Hi Lance,

we bought a gelding last fall that seemed to grow no hoof
whatsoever.....we had to wait 16 weeks to get enough foot to (sorta)
reshoe. Not a great trait in an endurance horse.

After checking out all the supplements/costs, I bought a supplement
called "Biotin Plus" made by Paragon. It has 50 mg of biotin per scoop
(about 1 1/3 oz).

I'm on my 3rd tub of the stuff, feeding 2 Scoops/day. The shoer was out
Monday, and at 9 weeks we took off 3/4" of hoof. Definite improvement!
The only thing that has changed is the addition of the Biotin Plus.

The ingredients per scooop are:

biotin 50 mg
Yucca Powder 500 mg
D-Calcium Pantothenate 500 mg
L-Methionine 25 mg

In a base of Linseed meal, brewers yeast, wheat germ, rice bran and

It smells really yummy..kinda like gingerbread spices.

I buy it for $29.95 for 5 lbs. i know that Jeffer's carries it also.

hope the info helps....


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