ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: advice on feeding electrolytes

Re: advice on feeding electrolytes

Thu, 6 Feb 1997 00:30:21 -0500

Prologue: Paul Fitzgerald, IBM Healthcare Solutions
Tel: 07 3213 2099 Fax: 07 3213 2013
Email: paulfitz@au1.ibm.com
Mobile: 0412 792 375
Epilogue: Paul.

I prefer to feed cracked or crushed corn - its easier to digest and therefore
your horse will get more out of it.
We feed oats and cracked corn, plus soybean meal and sunflower seeds. They get
lucerne and oaten chaff, plus lucerne hay and pasture. We vary the amount of
grain depending on the workload. eg: if the horse has done an 80 kilometre
ride, they get 2.2 lbs each of oats and corn and 10 ounces each of soybean and
sunflower. Coupled with some dried molasses, the horse gets about 16 mega
calories (16million calories) which is a bit below what they need for hard work
(a horse needs about 0.033mega calories per kilogram of body weight for
maintenance). In our case, the balance is made up from pasture. I don't know
if you get all these feeds in the US, but I hope it helps.

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