Mystery lameness resolved!

Mon, 23 Dec 1996 08:29:32 -0800

Got my best x-mas present on Sunday. Abcess bursted on Mystery and he
is well now and back with the herd. Real funny infection...appeared to
be a slight bowed tendon right below the knee in the back. Dr. Steere
predicted this was an infection. Started him on bute and the infection
travelled down...I could see it spreading downwards. I was scared it
was really a bowed tendon getting worse..really panicking. Then, it
burst overnight and drained out. Do filling, infection, bow, nothing.
And he is just as ancy and 'ordnary as ever!

So his x-mas wish is true..back on 40 green acres playing with the boyz
in the rain, and black cloud is gone. Amazing how the
creatures you love (human and non-human) can really affect your
happiness. Guess thats part of living...

Happy Holidays to all and thank you so much for your good (and saved)

Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab)
Petaluma, CA