My gift...
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 09:14:32 -0500

At the end of the Chesapeake 80, my friend Patty Lambert, a professional
photographer and fellow competitor, took some shots of Kasey. The side-view
portraits were really good, one head shot was "quite nice"...but then there
was one, that once-in-a-lifetime snap of the shutter that caught the essence
of this horse's soul. A head shot, dead on, with his head turned to gaze at
something in the distance--and in that instant, a flick of the tail straight
up in the air to frame the upper part of the face. But it's the eye that
draws you in, framed by the taut, dark skin, brows wrinkled, tired after a
hard day's work.

I had it enlarged, full frame, to about 11 1/2 by 16 on canvas and mounted
on particle board. It arrived last night -- and it is spectacular! The
canvas makes it seem like an oil painting, and more alive than any glossy
photograph could possibly be. I will have to spend some time thinking about
how to frame this.

Proud Mom, of course, has been showing it around at work ..."Is that your
horse, Diane? He's pretty."

A very nice Christmas gift indeed.

Happy Holidays, everyone.

Diane @ Safe Haven