Re: lions and tigers and footnotes...oh my!

Carol Boardman (Carol.Boardman@Dartmouth.EDU)
16 Dec 96 08:57:13 EST

Diane -

Happy to oblige! Even though it wasn't a long ride, it was fantastic. Some
friends and I were trying a saddle prior to purchasing. Picture trying saddle
on 6 different horses in two different locations 40 miles apart! It certainly
filled my Sunday. Finally it was my turn and after all the fussing and
fiddling to make sure the saddle fit the horse it was time to see if it fit the
rider! So Mayflower and I headed out the back of the barn and down into the
snow covered field. We rode for about a half hour back and forth, checking the
fence line, checking out the neighbors Christmas decorations, you name it.
After not being on her since Nov. 16 it felt marvelous! She was warm and fuzzy
(we live in Vermont!) and very lively! But she listened when her mother told
her we weren't going to go galloping through this semi-slippery white stuff!
All in all a very rewarding finish to a grey, gloomy weekend. Now if I could
just find that much enthusiasm for finishing my Christmas shopping! :)

Happy Holidays to all!
Carol in Vermont

--- wrote:
Let's get back to the original tenor of this list-- friends with horses who
share a passion and a love for the sport of distance riding.

(who could use a nice cheerful story from someone about what a nice ride
they had over the weekend, and why they love their horse to bits!)
--- end of quoted material ---