Re: Cash and Incentives
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 19:55:35 -0500


I would NOT want to see us have "professional" and "amateur" divisions. Part
of the greatness of what we do is being able to ride side by side ( and
occassionally in front of ) some of the "best" riders out there.

Every dog has his day...occassionally I would like to have mine. Tina Hicks
BC as the culmination of this ride season is a prime example. Anyone CAN do
it NOW. It won't happen with different will only serve to
segregate us and the sport would digress instead of progress.

This is the ONLY equine sport in which I have partaken that people are
friendly, helpful and MORE than willing to share "secrets"....and I have been
in quite a few other disciplines in the past 20 years.

Please let's keep it that way!!!
