Re: Puffy legs
(no date)

In a message dated 96-12-04 17:16:03 EST, you write:

<< I suspect maybe he's getting too much protein or just too much grain since
he's doing nothing during the day, but I'm curious why his legs would blow
up now after being fine for a month on this feed.

I'm going to cut his lupins out and half his oats by half but would love to
hear any advice or comments from anyone who can help. Mail me at >>

My guess is that it's not the protein but rather too big a change all of a
sudden. We do call these hives "protein bumps" over here, but I tend to think
that the problem involves something other than total protein--perhaps
unblanced amino acids within that protein dose, perhaps just too much overall
diet increase too soon. I'd tend to want to upgrade the diet of a horse like
this a little at a time, over 21-day increments. That is, upgrade, wait 21
days, upgrade again. Something you might consider is bringing in some

Crushed lupins? Are you feeding crushed rabbits to your horse?

For those in Rio Linda, that was a joke.


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