Re: aerc letter

Susan F. Evans (
Thu, 05 Dec 1996 21:39:39 -0800 wrote:

Hi Darlene,

No problem, however, take another look at the aerc letter. It is not
asking for any actions such as denying sanctioning or anything else.
The letter ONLY makes the Board of Directors aware that we are concerned
about possible implications.

Before I send off the letter, I think it's appropriate we add a
paragraph stating that we absolutely have no wish to scare off or
alienate manufacturers such as Nutramax for showing interest and
support. I actually think this should be a strongly stated point. The
only point the letter makes is that this is an area that shouldn't be
rushed into without alot of thought about how we should handle such an
evolution in our sport. That's all.

Thanks for the post.

Susan Evans