I know you said to email privately, but I thought it worth
mentioning to people who only have shell-based mail (i.e. no
pretty pictures) that they may be able to look at web pages
using Lynx, which is a text-only browser.
They may have access to Lynx without realising it.
They should check with their internet provider, or try typing
"lynx" at the prompt and seeing if anything happens. If they
can use Lynx, they should be able to read the archives on
OK, so the Web isn't quite so attractive in text-only format,
but it's better than nothing. :)
Just a thought.
-- ************************************************************** Lucy Chaplin Trumbull - elsie@calweb.com Displaced English person in Sacramento, CAhttp://www.calweb.com/~elsie http://www.calweb.com/~trouble **************************************************************