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    Re: [RC] [Guest] Not sure - Jim Holland

    Charles, I think you have discovered the inner secrets of Ridecamp! :) 
    Don't take anything too seriously. There are all kinds of people, just
    like there are all kinds of horses. 
    Actually, it's pretty funny most of the time.  Read 'em all, throw away
    the junk....there's still lots of good stuff out here.  Posting is sorta
    like the definition of "tact", which is to "get your point across
    without stabbing someone with it".  Not everyone, including me, does
    that well at all times, especially when it's so easy in this medium to
    interpret the post different from what the "postee" intended.
    Just keep your sense of humor and enjoy.... <grin>
    Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic
    Charles wrote:
    > I want to answer this with sarcasm, but I can't think of anything good.
    > Anybody else have an answer about how this place is helpful, friendly and
    > that it's a bit like a conversation in a bar, there is a ton going on, a lot
    > to listen to, some people are nuts, some folks are drunk, some are silent,
    > etc, but that you just have to wander and listen and etc....]
    > Charles
    > PS: My humor factory is a bit overloaded today and I can't think of a funny
    > reply to this.
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: "Ridecamp Guest" <ridecamp-moderator@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    > To: <guest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    > Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 11:05 AM
    > Subject: [RC] [Guest] Not sure
    > > Amy Johnson amjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxx
    > >
    > > I am just wondering if any of you have jobs out there or is it to just
    > slam
    > > each other on ridecamp, which could be a nice venue to share ideas with
    > each
    > > other to benefit our horses.
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    [RC] [Guest] Not sure, Ridecamp Guest
    Re: [RC] [Guest] Not sure, Charles