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    [RC] Comstock Arab Assoc. Ride Oct 5, will include 15 mile fun ride with clinic!! - Maureen A. Fager

    The Comstock Arabian Association of Reno, Nevada, is happy to announce the addition of a 15 mile, fun, introductory ride to it's 25/50 endurance ride this year. This 15 mile event will include a clinic the morning of the ride for all entered in the 15 mile ride. The clinic will include topics of:
    Introduction to Distance Riding
    Basics of Conditioning Distance Horses
    Nutrition Basics
    Vet Checks-How Do They Work
    Trail Markings and how to read them
    Care of the Rider
    Because the clinic was a "work in progress" at the time the entries were mailed out it is not mentioned on the entry. The actual ride will start after the clinic is over, and the clinic is included in the entry fee ($35.00) Start time of the clinic is 8:03 am, Saturday, Oct. 5.
    Awards for the 15 mile ride will include a completion award for all finishers, a "Fit to Finish" award for the horse determined to be the
    most fit at the end of the ride, and a "Perfect Pace Award." The Perfect Pace Award is given to the rider whose finishing time comes closest to a time pre-determined by management to be the "best" finishing time which represents the "Perfect Pace" for the trail. This time is not announced until the award is given out. All fun ride entries include the awards banquet. For an entry, please contact
    Doris Wilson
    12065 Cunningham Way
    Reno, NV
    (775) 972-4482 Fax (775) 972-4025
    or you can contact me for more information via e-mail at:
    I don't have entries to send out but will try to answer any questions.
    The 15 mile ride is not sanctioned by AERC.
    We are using the same caterer as last year for the banquet. Yummmm!!!!!!!!!
    See you Oct. 5
    Happy Trails,
    Reno, NV

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