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    Re: [RC] Shipping boots - AprJhn

    Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, I'm not very good about sewing. And I'm afraid that velcro would come off if I glued it on. Besides, I have 2 horses that I haul in a 2 horse stock trailer. Right now I'm sharing a set of shipping boots between the two of them. The two legs of Tanna that stand next to the two legs of Serts get Shipping boots. So do the two legs of Serts. Makes my friends laugh when I unload them. So, I need another set of shipping boots anyway.

    Good suggestion, though. :)


    Maggie & David wrote:

    Ok, guys, I need some input and help.

    So I would like to find a set of shipping boots that are regular horse

    size, but that have velcro pretty much all the way around. That way I could
    pull the boot around his leg and strap them so they stay on (they tend to
    fall off) and velcro them firmly.

    I just sew more velcro onto them.

    Maggie P

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    [RC] Shipping boots, AprJhn
    Re: [RC] Shipping boots, Maggie & David