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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:34:50 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: [RC] Mike's summary/WEC
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    Re: [RC] A summary of ridecamp this summer - Maggie Mieske

    Not a "ride" story as in officially an endurance ride but thought I'd
    My sister and I rode 6 or 7 miles last night to the team penning event.  I
    did 4 runs with Malik with a couple of respectable runs and then we rode
    home IN THE DARk.  I used my glowstick for practice...gotta get ready for
    that 100 miler next year, ya know.  :)  It was THE MOST AWESOME experience.
    The horses had a ball.  We saw FOUR shooting stars all together (perhaps a
    meteorite burning up as it hit the atmosphere and broke up?) and THEN as we
    rode into our driveway which faces north, we noticed the northern
    lights...they were absolutely gorgeous at 1 a.m.  I am psyched up now for
    that 100 miler.  The night riding really had me concerned but I have a
    confidence in my horse now that I didn't know I had before.  And for anybody
    wondering, Malik is doing GREAT now!!  Hope to ride him this weekend.  We'll
    see what the vet says!
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    [RC] A summary of ridecamp this summer, Mike Sofen
    Re: [RC] A summary of ridecamp this summer, Lynne Glazer