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    [RC] AERC National Championship 2002 -Not too late!! - Enduroride

    I have had several calls in the last couple of days regarding entries to the National Championship. I want everyone to know that we will still take your entry even though it is past the due date. (As long as you are qualified.) So far we have 101 riders in the 50 mile and 28 riders in the 100 mile. We would love to have you join us. Please e-mail or call and let me know that you still plan to enter and let me know what size shirt you wear. Remember the qualifications are - 200 lifetime miles with you and the horse as a team, with one ride being in the top 5 finish in your weight division between the dates of Aug 15, 2001-Aug. 15, 2002. Or remember if you have 1000 miles or more on your horse as a team, you are qualified for either distance. Let me know if you plan on attending and haven't had the chance to mail your entry yet.
    Thanks, Connie Caudill   Enduroride@xxxxxxx    812-967-5973