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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:32:30 GMT 2003
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    RE: [RC] Does anyone know? - John A. Teeter

    -----Original Message-----
    Subject: [RC] Does anyone know?
    Does anyone know or remember if a BoD member has ever been kicked off
    the BOD or been recalled by their region?
    No, I don't know.
    but one nice thing about having so many directors is that the immediacy of
    needing to remove anyone is not so great.
    It's almost easier to wait for the next election (which always at most two
    years away) and work for another candidate.
    In the meantime, the Board is kind of self regulating - the majority rule
    thing....with 26 members, one must convince 12 to follow. You can fool
    some of .... you call fool all of .... etc. but there's a pretty fair
    chance that right will prevail on most issues, especially if the issues
    are discussed openly before the meetings occur.
    I wonder if the board is in a swing vote mode on any of the issues which
    will be resolved in Salt Lake? we've only heard from 10% or so of the
    board on only 2 of the issues:)
    There's no reason that they all couldn't respond with thoughts on these
    issues b/f the board meeting. Keeping in mind that thoughts and positions
    can change of course.
    If you don't hear from your Regional Directors, and Directors at Large
    choose to not go public with their opinions, well, those silent
    directors should really think about "why be quiet??" -- what's the big
    secret?? its a horse club for criminy sakes!!
    AERC, as the sanctioning body for endurance rides through out the US
    and Canada, is not a place to hold your opinions close to the vest so
    that you can surprise your fellow directors and the members when you
    finally make your 30 second speil and then vote at a board meeting.
    Might as well let the world know your opinions before you get
    sequestered away in Salt Lake City.  It might even make the meetings
    shorter because you'll know going in which motions are going to
    pass-or-fail easily and more focus may be placed on the close
    call issues etc.
    but, no, I don't know if there's ever been a recall or banishment from
    the herd because a member showed inappropriate directorly tendencies.
    I wonder if that urge to act directorly is a behavior that a natural
    trainer might be able to correct or overcome???
    .....If you can cowboy your way out of it...
    .....If dressage work between meetings will make them more flexible...
    .....If barefoot or shod directors might be better at those
    .....or if the RM and head Vet (Kathleen and Barney?) can get everyone
    through the ride in SLC --
    .....and what completion awards might be???:)
    (Is there a turtle award?? that director who is, overall b/c its a multi-day
    event, slowest on the uptake??:)
    (p.s. if you're not a member of AERC, its not too late!! The organization
          needs your energy!! You have to be a member to be elected to the
    (pps. don't forget to VOTE on the by-laws!! its costing ALOT to get those
          ballots out and then they gotta be counted
      --  so don't make it a rider-option pull!!)
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    [RC] Does anyone know?, novahpr