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    Fw: [RC] Free Enterprise - Annie George

    Oh Randy PALLEEEASE!  This may be fine if it was not the glaringly obvious goal of  Motion #4 to eliminate  certain new rides that personally bother you. I am very suspicious of someone who is trying  so hard to change something that has no problems, and doesn't bother anyone but you, into something that could,  as has been  so clearly pointed out,  present so many new and as yet unforeseen problems.   The riders should have the option of doing 3 day rides that are close to home, if they so choose. Not be forced to travel 1000 miles because of the personal agenda of a few. And  if SW riders would rather drive 1000 miles to attend a ride rather that do one next door, they should have that option.  If I were considering opening a Pizza Parlor I would certainly come to you for advice.  But, the fact is that some rides just do not survive, for various reasons. I just don't think you can continue to blame Cuyama XP for this years Renegade low #'s.  In a private post to me a few days ago you pointed out that Ft.Stanton had a good turn out because it was not in any conflict with any other rides.  Could it be that Ft Stanton was more of a success because >1) allot of riders had gotten over some of the personality disputes that are well documented and well known in the SW??  >2) that Ft Stanton is in really pretty country.??  >3) that it is a new ride. ?? >4) that it is in summer, when people have more time for such rides. ??  >5)better weather, >6) not in the wind and blowing sand for 5 days.??  >7) Last March the country was still pretty deep in economic shock from 9/11.??  > 8)  By the time Ft Stanton came around people were out and about again. >9) There are allot of people in California. I know that allot of riders were turned away from Cuyama because of limited base camp room. Did they come on out to Renegade? No. They went home. Could any of these things possibly have anything to do with Cuyama XP or Ft.Stanton's success and  Renegades not so great turn out.  I personally am against any change in the way rides are sanctioned. But I would suggest that at the very LEAST, all the questions and possibilities should be clearly outlined BEFORE any such change take place. And that all existing rides be grandfathered in regardless of their age. And that this be set aside for a considerable length of time, till all the reasons, ramifications, and possibilities can be thoroughly explored and clearly answered.  I say all this in the hope that ALL the BOD members will take this very serious, and not jump to pass something that I feel is considerably more serious  than it may seem on the surface.  Annie G.
     Anne George Saddlery   www.vtc.net/~ageorge  
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 9:13 PM
    Subject: [RC] Free Enterprise


    The difference you are missing is:  Pizza Hut does not franchise
    (sanction) another Pizza Hut close to the first one.  What Dominos does
    is not controlled by Pizza Hut.  You are comparing Apples to Oranges.

    Lets use endurance riding as an example: Lets assume a hypothetical
    "endurance organization" exists known as United States Endurance Ride
    Organization, and they sanction their own endurance rides.   I would
    expect "USERO" to sanction their endurance rides without any
    consideration as to the time or location of AERC endurance rides.  USERO
    would only be interested in coordination of their own rides, not what
    AERC does...that would be "free enterprise" between competing endurance
    organizations.  When AERC sanctions rides too close to each other or in
    the same window of time, that is not free enterprise, that is bad
    business practice and eventually hurts everyone - the riders will suffer
    as the number of rides shrink.  If you believe each Ride Manager and each
    Ride is in competition with each other then you have set up a system to
    eliminate many rides.  If that is the case, then why have Sanctioning
    Directors at all?   It would be much simpler for Ride Managers to  send
    in the Sanction Application straight to the AERC Office and let the
    Office rubber stamp the Sanction Applications...and then let the
    strongest rides survive.  Unfortunately, if we operate that way, there
    would be a very quick reduction in number of rides because those located
    in the larger population centers would dominate - Ride Vets, who are a
    very small number - would be completely booked up and some rides would
    not be able to get the services of experienced Ride Vets because they
    would be working the big rides, etc etc.  Vets like Barney, Gail, Jaime,
    Jim, etc would not be available to many of the rides they current work
    because they would be working the select big rides.  There is a reason
    AERC has Sanctioning Directors who coordinate ride dates - it is for the
    benefit of not only Ride Managers, but the riders, too.


    From: "Annie George" <ageorge@xxxxxxx>
    Subject: [RC]   Pizza Hut.
    If Pizza hut is close to Dominos, and everybody likes Dominos better, =
    then by by pizza hut.  Its called free enterprize. Annie G.
    Anne George Saddlery   www.vtc.net/~ageorge  

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