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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:32:33 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] [RC] Off to Tennessee?? - heidi

    > If you have to drive, I'll vouch for the Nashville drive. Very pretty
    > and  nice. :)
    > Down here we say that
    > when St. Peter blows his horn we all have to transfer through Atlanta!
    > Chattanooga is barely 2 hours from there. There are flights, but there
    > is also a shuttle bus that leaves on the hour I believe from there to
    > here and back.  If you do choose to get a rental car and drive, it's a
    > prettier drive from Nashville, about equal distance, fewer lanes, less
    > traffic...but there are flights from Nashville to Chatt too.
    As a Nawtherner who has made both drives for various reasons, I can vouch
    for both of them--and in fact, drove from Atlanta to Nashville to avoid
    changing planes when I had to fly dogs for the Mastiff National Specialty
    several years ago, when it was held in Nashville, since I could get a
    great deal on a non-stop from Portland, OR to Atlanta.
    Although I DID get to experience the South's "snow storm of the century"
    when AERC convention was held in Atlanta, I'd also add that driving in
    that area in March is usually a heckuva lot nicer than it can be up here
    in March!  (My tough part of getting to ANYWHERE that time of year is
    getting out of HERE--I'm over 3 hours and a major mountain pass to an
    airport at Missoula, MT BEFORE I can even get on a plane...)  Knowing how
    airlines can gouge you for those short connecting flights, my own
    inclination is to fly to Atlanta and rent a car and drive up, which also
    gives me an excuse to stay a couple of extra days and visit friends
    elsewhere in the area.  But I haven't started to shop the possibilities
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    Re: [RC] [RC] Off to Tennessee??, April Johnson