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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:32:34 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Concussions/was runaways - Sullivan

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Typef" <typef@xxxxxxxxx>
    > Man, you guys are all making me feel like I've been really lucky all my
    > life! I actually just ordered my very first helmet this weekend and I'm
    > I completed my first LD ride last weekend and my husband said I was one of
    > only 3-4 people with a baseball cap on. Everyone else had helmts.
    I probably didn't start to wear a helmet until I was 37 or so (I am 46 now)
    I rode all my life and survived several bail-off runaways; a horse tripping
    at the canter and falling on me (rolling over me twice in getting to it's
    feet), but can still say, in all honestly, I have parted company from horses
    under 20 times in my life.  I much prefer to stay on their backs.  I spent
    most of my years in my 20's  tearing around the countryside bareback, no
    helmet, in shorts....those were the days.
    After 30, and I started riding again, ran into some rank horses.  Had a 3
    year old Bucksin QH, that I was just starting to put some miles on, after
    being to the trainer (who did not do much with her).  She was very gentle,
    and went along with the group fairly good-naturedly, except for an endearing
    habit of bogging her head, out of the blue, and giving a good buck.  One of
    these threw me up in the air, where I landed on her neck, and the second
    buck put me into a double somersault where I landed on my butt, fortunately.
    But, stupidly, it was not THAT horse, but the prospect of riding the next
    one, a green Arab, that convinced me to buy the really cool helmet that
    Sporttack guaranteed to be so light you would not even notice it!  And that
    was the truth, it was far more comfortable than a tight baseball cap!
    Anyway, the green Arab never did anything as bad as the QH....and I always,
    always put on the helmet, as well as my kids, and all my friends do now, it
    started a trend!
    I have been pretty lucky in the last 9 years, but have ridden with three
    people, all who came off backwards and onto the back of their heads.  All
    were wearing helmets, and all helmets cracked. One friend was still knocked
    unconscious, for several minutes, and being away from camp, all I could do
    was walk her out.  She was clearly concussed, and kept asking what had
    happened over and over.  Almost back at camp, ran into a ranger, who took
    her to camp and her friend then took her to Kaiser.....she was lucky, and we
    are all convinced she would have been killed without the helmet....
    It's just good insurance for your head.....we all know even steady horses
    get spooked, stung by bees or fall down occasionally!
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    [RC] Concussions/was runaways, Rides 2 Far
    Re: [RC] Concussions/was runaways, Typef