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Horse Camping in Oregon

This is kindof off the subject of endurance... but I figured you guys would 
be the best source. My boyfriend and I are planning on taking our horses 
with us on our annual trip to the northern Oregon Coast this summer. We want 
to find a place to camp (we have tents) where there will be lots of trails 
and beach access. And ideally not cramped in by other campers with noisy 
ATV's. I guess to keep this endurance related, I'm thinking some good long 
trails rather than a dinky 2-mile trail where the half-starved rental horses 
go back and forth all day. :-) Do any of you know of a good place to go? Any 
info would be great!

Brittany (geez, it's only January, can you tell I've got spring fever, 
Harley (chill out Mom, I'm enjoying my vacation!)

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