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RE: Barn Plans

We built a really simple run-in shed.

Basically buried 6x6s in cement in the pattern of the shed, in our case
every 12 feet for a 36x12 shed.  The rear ones were a couple feet shorter
than the front ones (we built too tall - 8' at rear, 10' at front, I think 7
and 9 make more sense).  Then 2x8s at the base, halfway up and at the level
of the top of the rear posts.  Then 2x8s at the top of the front posts.  We
notched 2x6 rafters to fit over the top rails.  Then covered with sheeting
and corrugated tin over the roof sheeting.  We covered the drop down in the
front too.  Based upon your weather you can decide how much work to put into
covering the eaves, rain gutters, etc.

I also bought 2 swinging fence sections.  That way I could either divide the
space into thirds or swing from either end to create different
configurations.  I also built a run off one section (where we also added on
a feed room) and can arrange it so a horse can be in the run only or in the
run plus one section of the shed.  It's been really handy.

You'll want to point the open side toward the direction least likely to have
storms and wind coming from.  Ours faces primarily south, but a bit to the
east to catch warming sun in the morning.  That's mostly worked well, except
that that very worst storms come from the south - they just aren't as
likely, about once a year in the spring.  But the horses can get to the
north side, so are fine.  We just feed in the warmest place.

Another thing we did to help (this is in Colorado btw) is cover one of the
sections with a straw bale and rebar wall for an additional layer of
protection.  Works well as long as the horses don't eat the straw!  So right
now our horses can walk into a 12 foot opening and have access to 36 feet of


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