Re: Re: hoof soreness
Cheryl wrote <I absolutely believe there are pros and cons for shoeing, for
hoof boots and for barefoot. You have to consider each case individually....
everything involved, the individual horse, the sport the horse is involved
in, the terrain, the horse keeping practices employed, and the goals of the
rider. I don't believe I ever said one way works in all cases. You must come
up with what makes the most sense for your goals whether they are short term
goals or long term goals and for your horse. No right, no wrong, just what
works for you and your horse. >
EXACTLY...I think this is what everyone has been striving to communicate to
you in this debate... right along with my favorite saying "Every horse is an
individual"...I have said it so much, I should use it as my signature sign
off! :) Perhaps you never SAID in WORDS that barefoot is the only way but
I think many of us felt that you were implying it anyway. Also keep in mind
some of us have had downright NASTY private responses from other barefoot
proponents and so perhaps our immediate responses to barefoot posts may not
be the most inviting. Also, don't ever take ANYthing personal on this
forum... it's a good group of people. We stick together. We learn, we
laugh and we hope to educate. I try to do all three whenever I post. Good
luck going barefoot but I hope if your horse ever needs it, you will try
something else for him.
"Every horse is an individual..."
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