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Re: Re: Re: Blanketing Question

This blanketing question is very interesting....I don't blanket unless a
horse has gotten chilled and shivering and then remove it when the horse
stops.  That rarely happens unless we have some really inclement weather.  I
did blanket overnight a few weeks ago after team penning one day in the
wind, rain, hail and snow cuz I was concerned that he may not have been able
to dry off enough.  He wasn't shivering but I figured he deserved it!  (Our
team won first place novice that day!).  I am going to gather together all
these responses and put together a little article in Nelson's newsletter for
our clients.  We have a lot of clients who blanket indiscriminately in my
opinion or not consistently.  Those who ride often and clip their horses are
another thing altogether.  But our horses, out 24/7 with run ins seem to be
in much better shape physically and stay healthier than those who get
stalled every night.  Anyway, keep those responses coming.  I am very
interested to hear statistics and figures that can be backed up (the 18
degree thing is fascinating!).

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