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Re: US is attacked!

Beth wrote:
This is a "country" YES, that wished to annhilate us aka U.S. for the sake of religion?
That's what people keep saying - but how does everyone know this?  I've been hunting all over the internet (no TV or radio reception here in the middle of nowhere) and have yet to find any site that says who is responsible.  The *most* that is being said is that bin Laden is the *most likely* suspect.
So - what if it's a US based terrorist group?  What if it isn't religion related?  It could happen.  Look at OK.
To continue what I was saying this morning, REACTING isn't the same as ACTING.  Reaction is thoughtless.  Thoughtless is not in control.  Not in control is not a position of strength. 
Pointing fingers and preparing to go to war when the perpetrator isn't definitively known yet is simply reaction, not action.  And forgive me if I offend , but the some of the ugliest parts of human history is written about "righteous behaviors. 

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