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Re: RC: Re: RE: OT Terrorists

Hmmmm..So this gives them the right to take out their frustration and 
"whatever" out on us?  Get real!  It's not OUR fault that they are in
this fact, in most cases, we have tried to HELP.  WE are
responsible? Bull%^#$ I don't buy it. Their choice of government is
their responsibility.  

We didn't "follow up" in Korea...we didn't "follow up" in Viet Nam, and
we didn't "follow up" in the Kuwait situation.  You either are "at war"
or you aren't.  There is no "in between". All three of these situations
were a disgrace to our country and our military (not to the people who
served) and why all this stuff today happened.  Do your homework... The
average One-on-One confrontation in combat (bayonets for example) takes
less than 5 seconds.  My primary MOS in the Marine Corps was
253l...field radio life expectancy in a fire fight in 'Nam
would have been LESS than that because of that big old antenna sticking
up....I would have been a greater priority than an officer. Fortunately,
I didn't have to go. Why do I care? I lost too many friends in 'Nam
because of this stupid policy.  Attack, Attack, Attack......the best
defense is a good offense!  I'll go tomorrow! My Dad was on
Guadalcanal...he lived because ONE naval officer stepped up and said
"Attack! Attack! Kill Japs! Kill more Japs!"  (No offense intended) As a
result, the re-inforcements failed...and we held the island.  Read your
history! It ain't no different today. It is easier to accept the loss of
friends in a worhtwhile cause.

It's interesting that Dubya quoted in his news conference "Yea tho I
walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil".  I
would like to quote the Marine Corps version. "Yea, tho I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the
meanest "mother" in the valley". Kill terrorists...Kill more terrorists!

Semper Fi!

Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic

> Certainly.  But in perspective, for over 50 years, their people have been displaced, starved, and murdered.  Their reaction is very typical of human nature, seeing the wealthy giant that has provided the financing to their own misery, being brought down to the same level.  One's perspective changes when one is living in a tent, on starvation rations, family members ill or dead, and one has been told (with some degree of accuracy) that the USA is responsible.

> Heidi
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