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Experiences like the Malibu LD

Tish Stoots
I have read the recent letters regarding a sponsor and children riding and
behaving in a precarious way that endangered themselves, other riders,
horses, and even bicyclists that were out on the trail on the Malibu LD
ride.  It brings up a few memories for me of experiences that were
somewhat similar.

On a 100 miler, there was a fella riding a stallion, with me and another
woman, that he was having trouble handling.  He started whipping the horse
with a crop and hit the other woman rider with his crop more than once.
He told her to get out of the way.  And then he hit her again.

On a recent 50 miler that I did, there was a family riding that could have
been the "Malibu family."  A young boy's horse crashed into mine and for a
few split seconds, I thought we were all going down.  Meanwhile, his
sponsor was galloping up the trail and missed this incident.  The sponsor
had placed nationally in a recent year and at this ride, appeared to be
completely focused on she and her juniors winning the ride.  And wouldn't
you know it...the same boy that crashed into my horse won the ride.

I also think about riders that I know that like to race LD.  For instance,
I know of an older couple that simply don't want to do 50's because they
get too tired.  The woman has osteoporosis and the gentleman has lots of
old aches and pains.  They have raced 25 milers for years and usually
place top 5 every time they compete.  They don't ride crazy.  25 milers
are just their preference.

My point is that bad behaviors happen at all distances, not just on LD
rides.  It doesn't seem like there are clear rules that would enable a
successful protest regarding unsportsmanship-like or dangerous behaviour
for ANY distance.  If riders were held accountable for dangerous behavior
by having clear and enforced rules to follow, I think we would see a lot
less irresponsibility  AT ALL DISTANCES.  In the heat of competition,
unfortunately people sometimes forget the big picture no matter how far
they are riding or how long they have been in the sport. To the directors
out there following these emails, can you change this?

Tish Stoots
Bozeman MT
AERC # 6712

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