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Trail incident/LD

> I
> don't want to start a debate on LD, but I have a real problem with a
> "Sponser" teaching our next generation of riders that this sort of
> behavior is acceptable.

I do too, but it's not just going on at the LD level.  Yes, I am currently
riding LD but when the trails are shared at a ride, it's not just LDers that
are blowing by us "slowpokes".  I've seen ill-mannered riders in both
divisions (LD and 50s).  The last two rides I've been to there seemed to be
a larger than normal number of riders that did not appear to abide by (or in
some cases, have learned) basic trail etiquette.  While not only impolite,
this can be dangerous as well.  Things like a rider flying down the trail
laughingly saying she can't control her horse; riders stopping right in the
middle of a trail; passing without warning; riding my horse's butt- you get
the picture.  

Central CA

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