Check it Out!
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While there are many and various good ideas for trying to cub this kind of
behavior, the best and most available is on-the-spot DQ, temporary and
automatic sanctions - no participation for a given length of time - and quit
with the $100 formal protest fee - this is not a protest against anything
remotely related to completion or win issues - it is an issue of combine
sense, common courtesy and most dramatically safety.

Consider the following scenario:

Rider with juniors on tow run a biker off the trail, biker is injured,
complains to the NPS who in turn not only will refuse to allow the ride
again, but partners with the injured rider in filing charges against ride
management for damages. Since this behavior is well known and in this
scenario, witnessed by another HORSEman (woman), it is pretty much open and
shut - no more ride, and charges upheld. Well, people, this incident on
Saturday put us HALF WAY there - if not 3/4 of the way. We don't know that
this woman won't complain or file charges. We don't know that the Malibu Ride
will be allowed next year - Karyne has a heck of a time getting it done as it
is. It is imperative that endurance riders - and RC - consider seriously and
address this issue before we begin to lose trails and rides because of it.

    Check it Out!    

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