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Re: RC: Re: BET - bank routing and acct #
In a message dated Fri, 15 Jun 2001 8:52:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Tivers writes:
<< Hey, if I got duped, so be it. The truth is the truth. But I don't think we have the truth yet. I expected you to call his witness a liar--what I didn't expect is collusion with Edie. >>
Well, Tom, since Edie is the one you've accepted as arbiter, and since Bill only had his alleged RM call me, the only way the information can get to Edie is if I pass it along. If providing information to the "judge" is collusion, then the truth never WOULD come out. Edie has far more sources than just me--and as I stated, I'm not drawing any conclusions here--just waiting for Edie to process all the information that has come her way. And once again, this is not a court of law, it is an informational forum--not exactly the same thing.
I do feel that I've cleared up one point that was not clear in the beginning--this whole thing smelled, but I couldn't figure out whether it was you or Bill doing the duping. From what I've been able to ascertain, Bill is the primary "duper" here, and you are the "dupee." Your only mistake was blindly insisting that he was telling the truth without doing any checking yourself. (One thing about AERC rides--the results ARE documentable. Not that they can't be for non-AERC events--but in the latter case, you need to spend some time doing the documenting, rather than just assuming that a bright guy on your HS list is telling you the straight skinny.) Perhaps if you had been more knowledgeable about endurance (as were some of the people who started checking in the first place), you might have realized that what was being reported just didn't hold water. Kinda like when you hit a wrong button on the calculator, and it tells you that 2+2=59--if you know anything about basic ari!
thmetic, you know you need to go
back and check your procedures again.
The moral of this story is that it doesn't pay to spread stories without checking your facts--whether they are about Bill's incredible results, or "ex-vets" or anything else.
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