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Re: RC: Parents of junior endurance riders please read

Hello My name is Charlene Lewis Stueve, I am the mother of Jordan Finley. 
Jordan has over 1000 miles now and won 2nd place overall Junior in the 
Pacific Southwest Region for the year 2000, he had 7 top tens last year and a 
total of 580 miles in that year. He did his first 100 miler at the 
Californios as a 10 year old. He is 11 yrs old now going to be twelve in 
June. He has been riding all his life, since horses are my life, I guess he 
had no choice. He is my only child. Jordan did his first race at the age of 
6, at the Malibu 25 and then went on to do his first fifty a year and a half 
later. Myself and my whole family has been involved in endurance for as long 
as I can remember and I am 32 years old now. Jordan is the third generation 
to join the trail. My folks are very involved and have 4 time national 
standings and numerous regional standings. Myself won 5th overall in our 
region last year and 1st in Middleweight division and my husband won 8th 
overall in our region and 1st in Heavyweight division. We have a business 
called Trail-Rite. I am the trainer of all Trail-Rite horses. Being a trainer 
all of Jordan's life left him no choice but to spend many hours in each day 
of his life at the barn horsin around. I break, train and campaign endurance 
horses and trail horses and would like to say I have a pretty good reputation 
in the endurance world. Jordan has jockeyed some of my new horses for me as 
young as 4 and 5 yrs olds. He is an awesome and brave rider! I teach balanced 
riding and escort riders on there first rides etc......I currently have over 
40 horses in the endurance circuit that I started and matched with the proper 
owners. Jordan has tagged along and helped with many of my students. 
Sometimes we have large groups of new riders and he has been a wonderful 
help. He is appreciated and admired by most of my students and clients. My 
mother makes and vends endurance ridding equipment as well. You could say we 
are all over the endurance sport and Jordan is right in the middle of it. He 
helps sell products and collects the money and even helps grandma sew 
sometimes! Last year between the 3 of us inour imidiate family we actually 
placed 6th in the National Family Awards, but paperwork got screwed up and we 
did not get presented an award at the convention, but the AERC sent us an 
award. It was partially my fault as we were moving and relocating our ranch 
last november through Jan. 2001 There was some confusion because we had 3 
different names going. Long story. Lewis Finley Stueve is the names. Stueve 
is my husband name. But our family had 2,600 somthing miles total last year. 
Jordan rides in orange and red gear and wears a wild flame shirt. When he was 
younger after the rides he would dress up as Zorro and ride around. I have 
lots of pictures. I have one really neat one of him last year at the Sunland 
ride Cantering up this steep hill, his horse looks amazing and powerful as 
well, it is a real breath taking picture he gets alot of compliments on that 
one. i would be happy to send you a copy.

Jordan has a very outgoing and funny personality. He is very easy to talk to, 
he is pretty mature for his age I think. I guess because he hangs around a 
lot of adults being an only child. Feel free to give him a call or E-mail 
him, his E-mail is:
Home #661/251-0839
Barn # 661/513-9269

We are the Ride managers at the Hog Wild ride May 26th in PS region just two 
weeks from now. Jordan will be riding it if you would like to come out. Hope 
to hear from you!
Charlene Lewis Stueve
Trail-Rite Training Center

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