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Re: RC: 410 or 454?


Here are some back of the envelope calculations you can mull over to maybe help in your decision.

"" wrote:

> It currently has a 350 rear end in it, and I have to be going 50
> to 55 mph to put it in 4th gear if I don’t want to lug the

with a 454 these speeds will become 39 to 43
with a 410 these speeds will become 43 to 47

> engine (and lugging the engine is not something you want to do
> to a 15 year old gasoline engine, especially not when it is
> loaded with a horse trailer), and I have to be going over 65 mph
> to get it in 5th gear.

with a 454 this speeds will be 51
woth a 410 this speed will be 55

> If I put it in 3rd gear going down a
> grade, I still have to ride the brakes, whereas if I put it in
> second gear, it tops out at about 15 mph, so yes, the difference
> between second and third gears is pretty maybe
> the gear splitter IS the way to go???.  First gear is a compound
> granny gear, and so used only if I want to climb a tree :)

You will probably be okay coming down a grade in 3rd with at 454 unless it is really steep and long.

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