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Re: RC: Tom Ivers

In a message dated 2/8/00 4:19:36 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
MTo9831816@AOL.COM writes:

<< Have any of you slamming Tom read his book, "The Fit Racehorse" ?  if you 
 haven't  Do Read won't question his credentials again and you won't 
 be able to put it down.  Not to mention have you heard about the ride in Abu 
 Daubi...I for one thank Tom for his input to help further our knowledge, 
 weather or not he has ever even been on a horse is not the point, the point 
 is we have the opportunity to learn and put to practical use his years of could that be a bad thing. >>

Yes, many of us have, and we don't question that Tom has a lot to contribute. 
 We just find it sad that he tries to do so as if he were trying to form a 
cult of "believers" and to insult anyone who suggests looking at things in a 
broad context.  Sort of like trying to find the pearls in the swine manure in 
the old parable...

I for one don't really mind that Tom does not ride (despite the jabs) but it 
would sure be nice to see ideas presented without the hyperbole and insults 
for a change.


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