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Huge Mileage, was 4 oz GL
In a message dated 2/8/00 4:01:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, Tivers@aol.com
<< All of his preparation, conditioning wise, was provided by the same French
trainer. Over four years, huge mileage and big workouts. >>
Can you elaborate on "huge mileage"? Nancy Loving in her book, Go the
Distance, recommends that by the third season of conditioning, to "Limit your
horse to no more than 90-100 miles of work every two weeks to protect against
musculoskeletal wear and tear. In difficult terrain you may want to limit
your mileage to less than 60 miles in a two week period." (p. 100) She
doesn't give a specific heartrate to work with in the 3rd yr, other than to
say that the 3rd season workouts should be similar to the 2nd season, where
she advises to work at heart-rates of 120-150 with some work up to 170-180
(not really specified as to how much work at the higher rate). Her heartrate
parameters sound similar to your recommendation, so I was curious as to what
distance you advise riding, say in a 2 week period --- on a horse that
already has a solid base of 2-3 yrs of conditioning.
Years ago a very kind and generous endurance rider took the time at the Old
Dominion 2nd vet check (at 50 miles) to answer the questions of a wannabe
distance rider (who had no idea at the time how rude it was to interrupt his
rest time!!!!). He'd advised me to ride in a week the distance I wanted to
compete. That's worked pretty well up to 50 miles. Now I'm considering
trying a 75. By Loving's recommendation, I'm probably riding enough --- & I
surely don't want to break my horse down.
What's your 2 cents worth on training distances?
Nancy & Tempo (50 a week is quite enough, esp on the same old trails,
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