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Re: RC: Fw: RC: endurance prospect, etc.

In a message dated 2/6/00 9:58:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, Dbeverly4 writes:

<< LOL Ti!  I KNOW you can kick my butt in an argument.  You'd just shift 
into high gear with all that talk about mitro chronidal (whatever) valves 
(let alone carbo loading) and mow me down.  I've seen you pretty much blast 
through way tougher adversaries than little old me.  Just dipping my toes 
into the water here (so to speak).  
 Sylvia (breathing a big sigh of relief) >>

Yep, them microcortical phosphorescences can really tangle up the syntax. 
Heidi taught me all those big words. Until I hit ridecamp, all I could do was 
cuss. Now I can blaspheme with the best of 'em. 

Actually, Bobbie Lieberman taught me to write a coherent paragraph--blame 
her! Bobbie, tell 'em what an illiterate I was when you were my editor at 
Equus. Well, maybe you don't want to give away your age. 

Anyway, Sylvia, you, too, can become a talented curmudgeon. Just takes 


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