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RE: Reno forever?

Any one in this discussion ever stop to think that the principal reason for
the AERC meeting in Reno or any other place is not to have a convention.

There is a simple, necessary reason behind every one going to an AERC
meeting in the spring of the year and it is called the AERC ANNUAL MEETING.
This meeting is decreed by the AERC By-laws Article XII section 1. There is
no mention of a convention, trade show or anything else but the annual

Time to wake up folks and take an interest in the AERC, its workings and the
people that rule it. If you spent some time in the Annual Meeting you might
find out the whys and were-fores of what you are all bitching about.

If the business of the AERC is not being done to your liking, then have the
cajones to get up and say so in the meeting! But be constructive, if you
don't like some thing be sure to have an alternate, or you will make the
problem worse.

You are all lucky the AERC opts to hold the annual meeting in a place that
caters to fun. It could be held in NYC or Chicago. More business would be
accomplished if it were.

My final word, if you do not participate do not bitch!

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 7:58 PM
Subject: RC: Reno forever?

In a message dated 2/4/00 6:07:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Is it just me, or does the thought of a convention-for-profit horrify
 others too?  I thought the convention was to educate the members, give
 them a chance to meet and socialize, distribute awards, and conduct
 business meetings for the organization, with a vendor show on the side for
 fun. I know that's how the SERA convention works, and it's great! >>

I don't know if "horrify" is the word I'd use, but I agree--while it needs
be self-supporting, the main purpose should be providing services such as
what you named for the membership.


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