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Re: RC: Reno forever?

In a message dated 02/03/2000 9:38:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< It seems to me that the purpose of that treasury is to serve the interests
 of AERC's members.  IMO, holding the convention in Reno each year does not
 constitute good member service.

One of the purposes of the treasury is to be and remain solvent.  If locating 
the convention in another area depletes the treasury, then THAT is not 
serving the members' interests.  Other than that, I think it's a good idea to 
move it around peridically.  If the membership comes and supports it to the 
same degree in another location, and if the treasury does not lose large 
amounts of money, and if AERC can more than cover expenses and actually make 
a profit that will keep the treasury solvent, then I support the idea of 
moving the convention around the country.  So far, in the two times the 
convention has been held back east, none of these requirements has been met 
successfully.  It's purely a matter of economics, which I'm afraid, tends to 
drive most of the societies everywhere.

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