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Re: RC: breeder ethics

You know, you're absolutely right, Nancy. Good point! I stand corrected.
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of TLA Halynov
I've learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer it
gets to the end, the faster it goes. Smell the roses!

Nancy Mitts wrote:
> >>The issue of purebred is only critical if you are involved in
> >competition where such factors make a difference, e.g. flat racing.
> Say WHAT???? If partbreds are being registered as purebreds, then there is
> falsification of true breeding going on. You don't think this is "Critical"
> for breeders of purebreds now & for future generations? I breed partbreds
> myself, and I'd want to know my purebred mares are really that, & not
> already crossed. Especially since there's no telling what genentic
> attributes the hidden "blood" contains.
> Nancy Mitts
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