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Re: RC: Re: breeder ethics

I would, personally, not feel right about selling anyone a poor quality 
horse.  If the public wanted "tall and black", instead of simply aiming for 
tall, black horses, I would aim for GOOD QUALITY tall black horses.  I think 
any good horseman/woman would look for a quality horse that could serve a 
purpose for many years before they would look for something that was pretty 
and big.  When I go to a ride (usually to volunteer), I find myself "oohing" 
and "ahhing" over the best conditioned horse, not the pretty, tall black 
horse standing in the shade with an IV in it's neck.  
I'm not saying that pretty black horses are the only horses to get pulled 
from rides, I'm just saying that, to me, it is more important to have a high 
quality horse, than a beautiful one.  

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