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RE: New Topic - Hooves

1.  Do you know the difference between Natural Balance Shoeing (NBS) and the "older more traditional" style of shoeing?
Very definately
2.  Do you discuss with your farrier if he/she is going to use NBS methods, or more traditional methods?  (using the term "traditional" for lack of a better word)
He only uses NBS on my horses
3.  Do you know how to evaluate the quality of job your farrier does?
I should, I have had the same farrier for the past 15 plus years and have modified his work through out that time
4.  How do you evaluate the quality of job your farrier does?
I watch him all during the job
 Do you watch your horse move after each reshoeing?
Both before the shoeing and afterwards
5.  What type of shoes do you like to have on your horse?  Do you know?  Do you have a preference?
Scott Colson plates
6.  Have you had lameness problems that you thought were due to trimming/shoeing?
7.  How do you know the lameness was caused by the trimming/shoeing?
8.  What mileages do you compete in?
9.  Do you work with your farrier to get the type of trim/balance you want?  i.e.  do you tell your farrier horse is toeing out behind - need to do such-n-such.
See 3 above
10.  How do you tell your farrier what you want - do you feel as though you have to "tread lightly"?
We work together
11.  Is your farrier responsive to your needs?  Does your farrier listen to your concerns and take time to explain why he/she may disagree with you.
See 10 above
12.  Have you ever evaluated your horses hooves via radiograph with your vet AND farrier?
Not my own horses
13.  What have you learned from using radiographs?
Quarter Cracks are often the result of degenerated coffin bone!
14.  What have you learned from the radiographs that you can use for a visual inspection of the hooves?  How do you do it?
15.  What, in your opinion, is the best way to learn about your horse's hooves/needs.?
Have several horses, learn from them, have them barefooted part of the year while riding them on all types of ground
16.  What publication, video, seminar, or person is the best way you learned about hooves?
Years of experience watching and doing
17.  Does your farrier use NBS methods on your horse?  Why or why not?
Because it is best for the horse the places and way that I ride
18.  How much training has your farrier had in NBS methods?  Has she/he gone to clinics/workshops, learned from other farriers?
See 3 above
19.  How long has the farrier been using the NBS method on your horse?
20.  How many competitive miles has your horse done with the NBS method?
several thousand
21.  Do you feel the NBS method is appropriate to use on domestic horses - why or why not?
yes as it is easier on the feet and legs
22.  If you use NBS on your horse, are you comfortable with the methods considering that this is a relatively new concept?
23.  If you don't use NBS methods, does your farrier still recess the shoes somewhat for an earlier breakover.
24.  If you use NBS methods, did your horse's hooves ever get to the point of just looking "strange" to you?
Bob Morris

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