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Re: RC: you know you're in trouble when:

In a message dated 2/1/00 10:57:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< You know you're in trouble when:
      1.Ride management warns of a very ripe dead moose in the trail on a 
loop you have to do three times. >>

Reminds me of the ride briefing at the Old Dominion last year.  With the 
drought, the rattlesnakes were moving down the mountains & had been spied 
several times on trail --- had nailed a few dogs in previous weeks.  We all 
started looking at each other, trying to gauge how badly did we really want 
to do this ride (with the heat, humidity, several thousand feet of climbs up 
& down mountains, and rocks, rocks, rocks, and more rocks).
Fortunately, I was "only" doing the 50 miler so figured the 100 milers would 
get everything cleared out for us half-a-riders --- did hear that the 100 
milers ran into a few of the shakers, but, fortunately, without incidence.
Wishing for just a little of that summer heat to melt all this snow,


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