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Re: Re: Re: Re: Whining Ridecampers

"Blessed are the True Endurance Riders who Appreciate the Ride Managers",
----- Original Message -----
From: superpat <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2000 11:39 AM
Subject: RC: Re: Re: Re: Whining Ridecampers

> "For us it's the pleasure of sharing our beautiful
> countryside with others"
> Bless you Barbara and all of you wonderful folks who make it possible for
> to have so much summer fun (and from what I have been reading...winter fun
> too). I used to say, "Thank goodness some one is willing to do such a
> thankless and difficult job because I would never in a million years want
> go through so much."......but then I got asked to help with trail clearing
> and had an absolute blast. And then be responsible for breakfast....and it
> was not so bad, and then there weren't enough P& R people so I guess I
> give up one ride and then .....and so it goes. But to be the one who pulls
> it all together and contacts land owners and BLM and Forest Service and
> and cajoles for vet help and keeps records and times and manages to remain
> almost sane through it all. All I can say is "BLESS YOU"
> Pat Super
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2000 10:28 AM
> Subject: RC: Re: Re: Whining Ridecampers
> > In a message dated 01/30/2000 5:06:32 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > << Never could figure out why people were willing to go through all the
> >  headaches and work that it takes to put a ride together. Is this an
> >  altruistic gesture or some kind of masochism? Or is it more like "well,
> >  somebody's got to do it....."
> >   >>
> >
> > Interesting question.  For us it's the pleasure of sharing our beautiful
> > countryside with others, a reason for maintaining our trails other than
> for
> > ourselves, and the challenge of overcoming the problems that always crop
> up
> > from year to year .... sort of an attempt to produce the "perfect ride"
> (if
> > there is such a thing).  And it's fun to watch others enjoying the ride.
> > It's exciting on race day, running around opening gates, seeing riders
> come
> > through, cheering them on, treating them to goodies, and admiring the
> superb
> > athletes the horse are.  And .... most of our very best friends are
> we
> > have met through this sport.  What else could we ask for?
> >
> > Barbara
> >
> >
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