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AERC meeting

Steph - thanks for the redirection attempt.  (I haven't even bothered to 
read toddler posts.)

On the subject of membership:  AQHA has chapters in Europe, South america.  
Of course, it is a breed organization.  But, what is the chartered pupose of 
AERC?  A careful reading of the charter - statement of purpose, mission 
statement - should direct AERC.  If the membership through the directors 
believe that becoming an international organization is the destiny of AERC, 
then propose such.  Or, if the Directors through the membership...

Of course, training riders, vets, managers in other countries would be a 
great opportunity for US/Canada members.  (In re, the post by member who was 
(?) where horses were never watered and stallions never gelded.)

Septh - my interest is in the structural issues of AERC, PNER, and frankly, 
much less so of which feed to use or which training method to use.  I am 
concerned with trail access issues, so those are posts I read.  Should these 
interest groups spin off from ridecamp?  AERC has a Trails web page which 
is, it seems, underutilized.  Perhaps issue focused groups could be linked 
to ridecamp, and we could carry on ad nauseum, without causing general 
readers such as myself to delete entire pages of posts as irrelevant and 

Janet B
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