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RE: RC: RE: worlds youngest rider

Beth Wrote:
>  Dear Nancy; My kids ride in the yard under
> supervision, they are aged 5 and 7. This "Toddler"
> is three.  Toddlers do not need endurance rides. Your
> child was 8. I stand by my reply. Beth

Just as another perspective (and I do sympathize with
your arguments here, Beth), I can clearly remember
being 3.  I found a broken Breyer horse in the garage
that belonged to my older brother.  I grabbed it and
never let go... wandering around singing "horsey horsey
horsey".  I rode my spring loaded horse until all hours
of the night if I could sneek out of bed... squeeksquawk
squeeksquawk.  (Good Tevis training, eh?)

I also clearly remember my Mother saying to me at a very
early age "How are we going to get you interested in
something else?"... as in being a doctor or a lawyer I

*Not* getting to ride as child was child abuse to me.
Fortunately,  I was rescued by Maryben, Becky Hart and
Bing Voight.   :)  :)  :)

It may be that the kid already knows he wants to ride,
and if so, he's one lucky kid on this planet!  I know I
knew.  I think it's a genetic defect...

:) - Kathy Myers
AERC# 14922
in No. Cal. with Magnum the TB ex-racer
and Mr Maajistic... resident endurance weasel

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